Canada needs conservatives to make space for clinicians and patients who are building their own solutions
Here’s a piece I wrote in response to an article in The Hub titled: We need neoliberalism now more than ever.
I pitched a piece arguing that Conservatives don’t actually believe in freedom, free enterprise, or limited government, when it comes to medicare. I was pleased that the editors tuned up the article and published it, March 20th (Here’s the piece on The Hub). Enjoy!
Canadian conservatives—particularly these days under Pierre Poilievre’s federal leadership—say they embrace freedom, free enterprise, and limited government. But too often conservatives at the federal and provincial levels have abandoned these intellectual commitments in office. Their past and ongoing support for central planning in health care is a good example.
Canada’s health-care system is marked by a government monopoly on certain types of insurance and similar top-down restrictions on the delivery of health care itself. Conservative governments across the provinces have been unwilling to liberate Canadians from this dirigiste model.
The paradoxical relationship between Canadian conservatives’ notional commitment to freedom and their practical affirmation of central planning in health care is best demonstrated by Ontario Premier Mike Harris’s health-care restructuring in the late 1990s.
Premier Mike Harris: the best central planner in Canadian history?
Will Falk, a former management consultant, recently wrote a detailed review, analysis, and scorecard of the Harris government’s health-care agenda in a new anthology about the premier’s record entitled, The Harris Legacy. Falk’s focus is the government’s Health Services Restructuring Commission (HSRC) and its effects on the province’s overall system and patient outcomes. He writes:
The Harris health program represents exceptionally well-done central planning. This is striking and ironic because a true ‘revolutionary’ of the ‘common sense’ school should not believe in central planning at all…Mike Harris ended up being among the best health care central planners in Canada’s history.
As Falk observes, though the Harris Conservatives were generally quite committed free marketeers (he notes for instance that many young staffers were acolytes of the Nobel Prize-winning and libertarian economist Friedrich Hayek), the government’s health-care policy preached freedom but actually practiced coercion. He explains:
As neoconservative revolutionaries, the CSR’ers ‘should’ have chosen an allocative method that would allow for freedom of choice…Instead, in 1995, the Harris government imposed a highly coercive, expert regime. The HRSC central planners closed over forty beloved institutions. More than 20,000 workers had their jobs disrupted.
Falk leaves no doubt in his conclusion: “It is ironic that Mike Harris is accused of being a free market advocate in health care while overseeing one of the best central planning processes in Canadian history.”
Two sides of Keynes
Reading Falk’s description of the Harris government’s health-care reforms got me thinking about the two forms of Keynesian thinking that came to influence post-World War II public policy and remain with us today.
The first form is John Maynard Keynes’ economic thinking which included the rather banal idea that governments can help to smooth the ups and downs of the business cycle in a market economy. One can argue for instance that the Harper government’s fiscal stimulus in response to the 2008 global financial crisis broadly followed Keynes’s counter-cyclical prescription.
The second is from Keynes, the philosopher, whose technocratic ideas became something of a “generalized theory”—particularly after his death. What sometimes describes as “bastardized Keynesianism” became a justification for all types of state intervention in the economy and society. His views about business cycles, which were contingent and narrow, were moulded and shaped into a scientific socialism that was subjected to virtually no constraints.
We came to abandon parts of economic Keynesianism in the post-stagflation era in the 1970s. But the “bastardized” parts remain prevalent in public policy thinking and practice, including in parts of Canadian health care.
Poilievre, freedom, and conservatives opting out
Free enterprise offers the best way out of a socialist slough. It worked well in the era of Reagan and Thatcher. It should work for Poilievre if he’s elected prime minister.
But will conservatives affirm freedom in health care and abandon the bastardized Keynesianism that still prevails today?
One possible answer can be found in a recent interview with Hub contributor Ginny Roth in which she said:
When Conservatives are losing, sometimes it’s tempting to opt out of the policy conversations that we think we are losing on. Provincially, this always happens: ‘Don’t talk about health care and education. Conservatives lose when we talk about health care and education.’
This instinct to “opt out” may be viewed by political strategists and the politicians they advise as good short-term politics. But the long-term result is to effectively abdicate public policy to their political opponents. What’s the point of winning if you’re simply going to implement the other side’s priorities?
If conservatives are genuinely committed to freedom and free enterprise, then they should propose legislative and policy changes to the health-care system that foster more freedom (including competition and choice) and reject the central-planning instinct inherent in Keynesianism.
Put differently: conservatives have only two realistic options. They can opt out of the health-care discussion and cede the terrain to progressives, or they can apply their principles to a much-needed reform agenda. They must, in the interests of Canadians and their well-being, choose the latter.
One key area for policy reform is to insist on greater provincial autonomy and in turn interprovincial competition and experimentation. This requires clarity on federal-provincial health-care mandates and a circumscribed federal spending power—including even something as bold as a possible constitutional amendment to limit it on a permanent basis.
Regardless of what approach they take, the federal Conservatives face a wide-open field in calling for market-friendly universal health care. No other party will steal their platform. They should resist therefore the temptation to match the Liberals on boutique health policies and instead fight for policy freedom in Canada’s most heavily regulated industry. At its core, this means granting clinicians and patients freedom to build their own solutions safe from regulators and planners.
Poilievre has offered three cheers for freedom. He doesn’t sound like a Keynesian planner. Let’s hope he expresses the same enthusiasm for freedom in health policy.
Excellent. Sadly no Conservative politician of any weight will heed the call in this country. Unless. Unless they feel it benefits them politically. That is why Maxime Bernier is such an important figure in Canadian politics. The presence of Bernier is a reminder to Poilievre that he can’t stray too far left or he will start to lose votes on his right flank. The same way Nigel Farage forced the Brexit referendum on David Cameron. Until there is such a thread on the right at the provincial level Doug Ford will keep being Doug Ford. Which is to say, trying to keep The Toronto Star editorial board happy.
Well said, Craig.
I wish it were only Ford and the Star. It seems they all dance to the Star. The Star was the public policy arm of the Ontario Liberal Party. The OLP seemed to turn off their brains and soak up the Star.
I agree: politicians need a foil to keep them honest. Bernier offers this, if he has the energy to speak out. Haven’t heard much from him recently.
Something I’ve been mulling over lately comes from Whittaker Chambers’ great book, Witness. Chambers was a spy/double-agent in the mid-twentieth century. He eventually left the Communist Party, but it was not easy. His testimony led to the conviction of Alger Hiss. Fascinating history. Hard to believe that world even existed (long before I was born).
Chambers argued that conservatism does not lend itself naturally to being a counter-revolutionary force. Big-C and small-c conservatives would rather keep what they have and try to win plaudits from voters. Revolutionaries present a creed to die for or go to jail for. They throw a brick through your window if you disagree with them. Conservatives don’t know what to do with that. They say, “Please stop. Behave yourselves.” Or they promise to hire more police officers. But they do not have a deep understanding of the revolutionary spirit and how to resist it.
I suspect this is why we have a rise in populism. Regular working people want their politicians to fight (FIGHT) for them. This is ego-dystonic for most conservatives (as far as I can tell).
Hey, thanks reading and sharing a comment!
Lots to chew on. Thanks Shawn.
Thanks for taking a look, Darren!
Harris is still a rockstar in Conservative circles — he did do many good things. But I agree with Falk: Harris was a coercive central planner on healthcare.
Appreciate you posting a comment!
When the Government took over health care completely was approximately 1982. That was when Canada had “Universal Free” health care. All necessary hospital care and all necessary medical care (doctors) was included in the system and paid for by the Government. Up until then Doctors could still bill their patient and charge a premium up to the OMA fee schedule and the patient would have to go after the Government to get the bulk of the fee (about 90%). 1982 was about when they outlawed extra billing I had to “join” OHIP (year not exact). In a free enterprise system the Patient (that’s what they used to be called) who gets the service is responsible for the fee. Otherwise it doesn’t work! One doesn’t have to be an economist to know that useful, desired, necessary service that is provided for free will eventually have to be rationed with increasing long wait times, (for example) until its eventual failure which is where we are now. Throwing more money at it has helped keep it acceptable for quite a few years.
Thanks for posting this, Graeme!
Most people do not know this history, and many that did have forgotten it.
We exist under what Tommy Douglas called Phase II of medicare: the redesign of ‘delivery systems’ as TD called it. Phase I was payment for care; it was never the end game.
Thanks for taking time to read and post a comment!