Friends can speak without using words. Marketers used people sharing private looks to create a brilliant ad for Lexus. It sells cars using relationship.
Medicine starts and ends with the doctor-patient relationship.
Patients want their doctors to care most about them, not about society, or the greater good. Patients want to feel they have an exclusive relationship with their doctor; one that sees them as a unique and important.
This creates a problem:
How can doctors have exclusive, therapeutic relationships with patients and, at the same time, be stewards for the greater good?
With unlimited money, doctors can pretend to put their patient’s interests first and try to please society at the same time.
But at some point, doctors must choose: Do they do what’s best for the patient in front of them, or do they do what’s best for the community as a whole?
Medicine became loved and respected for choosing individuals. Medicine works on relationships, exclusivity and individuality. Continue reading “Relationship vs. Stewardship – Patients vs. System”