87 Ways to Block Patient Flow Improvements

Blond Boy CryingChange stretches us.

Even good change – getting married, having a baby, retiring – is tough.

In our department, we’ve had a ton of change to improve patient flow, and we’ve heard a ton of complaints.

Here’s a few:

  1. You’re moving too fast.
  2. You’re moving too slow.
  3. What’s taking you so long to get moving?
  4. I wasn’t at the meeting.
  5. I wasn’t invited to the meeting.
  6. You had the meeting without me!
  7. You have too many meetings.
  8. I’m tired of going to so many meetings.
  9. No one asked for my opinion.
  10. You already asked for my opinion.
  11. You should talk with those of us who do the real work.
  12. You shouldn’t listen to whiners from the front line.
  13. You should consult outside experts.
  14. We don’t need experts telling us how to do our job.
  15. You’re too idealistic.
  16. You’ve lost your ideals.
  17. You can’t see the big issues.
  18. You can’t see the details.
  19. Why improve what’s  already better than most?
  20. This place has gone to hell.
  21. But look what we stand to lose!
  22. You have too many details unanswered.
  23. Your proposal is too detailed.
  24. It’s too complicated.
  25. It’s too simple.
  26. It will never work here.
  27. It’s never worked anywhere else.
  28. It takes too much time.
  29. I have nothing to do now.
  30. I’m underutilized.
  31. It takes too much energy.
  32. What are you not telling us?
  33. Your emails are too long; you tell us too much.
  34. You don’t expect us to believe that’s why you’re doing this, do you?
  35. Your data is biased/skewed.
  36. You collect the wrong data.
  37. Your data is anecdotal.
  38. Let me tell you a story I heard…
  39. You should work more clinically; you spend all your time in the office.
  40. You work too much clinically; you should spend more time in the office.
  41. This seems to be all about special treatment for XX providers.
  42. What’s wrong with special treatment for YY providers?
  43. Why should we treat patients as family?
  44. Just because I get special treatment for my family doesn’t mean other patients should get it too.
  45. We might miss one sick patient.
  46. These patients aren’t sick; they should wait.
  47. These patients could all be seen in a walk-in clinic.
  48. These patients need a nurse, a full set of vitals, an ECG, and an acute bed STAT.
  49. One bad outcome is enough to stay the way we were.
  50. It costs too much.
  51. This would work if we spent more.
  52. You are asking us to do someone else’s work.
  53. Someone else is stealing my work; I’m going to submit a union grievance.
  54. There’s no infection control.
  55. We don’t need to see infectious patients so quickly; they can wait.
  56. It’s too stuffy.
  57. It’s too breezy.
  58. There’s too much paperwork.
  59. There’s no paper for notes.
  60. There’s no privacy.
  61. I need more people around to feel safe.
  62. There are too many people.
  63. We need more nurses/doctors/patients/support in the same space.
  64. I feel disconnected from other staff.
  65. I don’t like working shoulder to shoulder with other staff.
  66. It feels like you aren’t supporting the team.
  67. It seems like you only support the X team.
  68. You’re dividing the X team.
  69. I’ve done this for decades.  I don’t need to change a thing.
  70. Those new guys are out of date.
  71. It’s the wrong focus.
  72. You just want to be famous.
  73. Why don’t you spend time on what really matters?
  74. You are out of touch.
  75. You sound like a corporate pawn.
  76. All you care about is X metric.
  77. You just want to undermine Y group of workers.
  78. This sounds like what failed last time.
  79. Are you saying we aren’t working hard enough?
  80. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
  81. If you just changed X, you wouldn’t  need to do this.
  82. You know, this will never work.
  83. We need to give more power to the people actually doing the work.
  84. This is embarrassing.
  85. I used to be proud of working here.
  86. I wouldn’t send my family here; I’d send them to the terrible hospital down the road.
  87. Why can’t you admit this is a stupid idea?

Kotter discussed many of these in  “Buy In”.  He suggests that there are 4 main attacks:

  1. Fear Mongering
  2. Death by Delay
  3. Confusion
  4. Ridicule/Character Assassination

Kotter proposes the following response:

  1. Invite attacks
  2. Respond with clear, simple common sense
  3. Respect always; never fight
  4. Focus on the audience
  5. Prepare for attacks

Change cannot be blocked.  Leadership is change.  Time changes things even if leadership will not.  Patients have benefited from disruptive innovations in our ED, and our whole team proudly wears the scars we earned through it.

How have you responded to change?  Does this list sound familiar?  Click Leave a Reply or # of Replies below.

Patients Should Complain More – Here’s Why And How To Do It Well

Frustrated Businesswoman on the PhonePatients need to complain more.  Seriously.  But, they should learn how.

Someone shared this last week:

I was lying in urine in the ICU.

My nurse said, “How could you do this?”

I couldn’t help it; I felt so bad.

She was so upset.

I wanted to find out her name, but I’m over it.

She didn’t know.

What will happen to her next patient who wets himself?

Doctors, nurses, clerks, security guards, students…everyone in healthcare provides less-than-excellent care some of the time.  Your complaint can change the system, but you must do it right.

Many confuse complaining with venting like the photo above.

Venting changes:

1. How you feel.

Ha! I sure told him!  You shoulda seen his face…

2. The opinion your listener has of you.

Oh my, she really has issues!

He’s got a point, but he needs to get over it.

Vent a little to those who love you unconditionally.  Put most of your energy into crafting a great complaint.

Here’s how:

Be specific – focus on one issue with objective, gritty detail.

Be polite – rudeness discredits you.   Your main audience is other providers who will subconsciously be questioning themselves, “Would I have treated this person the same way?”

Be dispassionate – be calm; no emotion; not in the heat of the moment.

Be honest and humble – admit your part in the issue, if any.

Offer solutions – know what you want to see changed and how it might be done.

Address your complaint to someone who can make a difference – do NOT vent to a provider in the moment.  It won’t accomplish what you want and could make things worse.

Don’t retaliate – great complaints display genuine desire to improve things.  Complaints that start with the CEO, Chief of Staff, Member of Parliament, or regulatory college won’t get the change you are after.

Bonus points:

Apply your case to others.  Think beyond yourself.

Address system issues.

Huge hospitals completely change policy for one well written complaint.  Learn how to complain well, and you will see the change you hoped for.

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Improve Your Trip to Emergency

Patient Filling in a Form

Every dreads a trip to emergency. Here’s how to improve your chance of a great ED visit.

1. Avoid busy times – Never go on Monday, the first day after a long weekend, and Sunday evenings, if possible.  ED visits surge from 11:00 am until late evening.  It takes another 3-6 hours for an ED to clear out.  Aim for early morning or after midnight. Even the worst ED provides great service some of the time; make sure you arrive at those times.

 2. Prepare your chief complaint – Do you tell your whole life story at a job interview?  Don’t tell it in the ED.  Summarize your concern in a few sentences.

 “My stomach started to hurt after supper. It became sharp and constant overnight, and now I have a fever.  It really hurts when I push right here.”

What would you ask if your child had a ‘tummy ache’?

Where does it hurt?

When did it start?

What does it feel like?

Did you get hurt? etc.

If it’s too long to memorize, it’s usually too detailed. If you were just discharged from hospital, say that first.  Hopefully, you got a discharge instruction sheet.

3. Prepare your past medical history – Practice listing your diagnoses.

“High blood pressure, high cholesterol, borderline diabetes and mild asthma.”

If you had major surgery in the last 6 months, say so.  “I had a kidney transplant in May.”

4. Know your medications and dosages – Memorize or write them down on a wallet card. “The little white pill,” does not help.

5. Memorize true allergies and reactions – Swollen lips with penicillin needs to be told.  Find out from your family physician which things you react to, if you don’t know.

6. Bring your Health Card (Canada) – Cards expire.  Update it, if you change address.  If your card is invalid, you will be billed by your physician(s) and separately by the hospital.

7. Bonus points – Old ECGs, notes from your doctor(s) or hospital, X-Ray reports, descriptions of rare medical conditions…anything special about you.

Things to do after you’ve been seen, but are still in the ED:

1. Call for help if you or your family/friend gets worse.  Many patients get worse.  Speak up!

2. Minimize questions.  Staff should have told you how long things will take.  If not, ask once.  Let staff work; wait until they said everything should be done (4 hours, etc).  Do not ask “Are my tests back?” “When is the doctor coming?” “Where is the coffee shop?” etc.

3. Stay in your care area.  Hovering at the doorway is dangerous, impolite and does not make things move more quickly.

4. Don’t take your anger or frustration out on staff.  If they are rude, by all means write a letter.  That will do more than getting upset at the moment, and it strengthens your feedback to leadership.

Things you can do after you’ve left the ED:

1. Call your Family Physician and deliver lab and X-Ray reports from your ED visit.

2. Let your family/friends know you were sick, so they can help and be there if you get worse.

How can you tell if you’re not an average patient?

A.  You are on chemotherapy, have had an organ transplant, have an extremely rare condition cared for by sub-specialists in another center, are on a study drug, have more than 5 medical conditions, etc.  Most complicated patients know they’re not average, and are professionals at navigating the healthcare system.

Patients improve the performance of even the best teams using the pointers above.   Share your favorite tips for a visit to the ED by clicking on Leave a Reply or # Replies below.