Public health doctors created vaccination mandates and vaccine passports. Doctors tabled the ideas. Politicians followed doctors’ advice and turned it into policy.
Ideas shaped the policy, and policy formed a protest. Public policy made the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy a reality. Prime Minister Trudeau’s response to the protest turned the protest into a global movement.
The historic events of the last four weeks required more than just public health or politics alone. They needed public health plus politics, doctors plus politicians, authoritarian thinking plus authoritarian political response.
Doctors in Authority or Authoritarian Doctors?
Public health doctors follow their own ethic, which other doctors find unethical. Public health seeks to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Other doctors try to do the greatest good for the individual patient in front of them.
Doctors who treat individual patients focus on patient autonomy and informed consent above all other goals. Autonomy and consent define what morality means in medicine. It is immoral to treat patients for any other reason than their own good and with their full consent.
Public health doctors, who “treat” populations, ignore autonomy and consent by design – these ideas mean nothing if a vaccine mandate might help the majority. According to public health, we must always do what benefits the majority, even if it causes some harm to a few. Not taking action is itself immoral, if action might benefit the whole population.
Friction between public and personal health is not new. Evidence and open debate have resolved the tension in the past. Well-known riots about Smallpox vaccination stand out as a rare failure, not the norm we should expect.
Political Unity
The Truckers’ Convoy unified political opposition against the protest. Authoritarians from all political camps wanted action to deal with the protest. Mandates animated the authoritarian Left. “Law and Order” animated the authoritarian Right. Continue reading “Authoritarian Doctors Sparked the Vaccine Mandate Protest, Trudeau Turned It into a Movement”