Authoritarian Doctors Sparked the Vaccine Mandate Protest, Trudeau Turned It into a Movement

Trample Protesters
Authoritarian solution to leadership failure.

Public health doctors created vaccination mandates and vaccine passports. Doctors tabled the ideas. Politicians followed doctors’ advice and turned it into policy.

Ideas shaped the policy, and policy formed a protest. Public policy made the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy a reality. Prime Minister Trudeau’s response to the protest turned the protest into a global movement.

The historic events of the last four weeks required more than just public health or politics alone. They needed public health plus politics, doctors plus politicians, authoritarian thinking plus authoritarian political response.

Doctors in Authority or Authoritarian Doctors?

Public health doctors follow their own ethic, which other doctors find unethical. Public health seeks to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Other doctors try to do the greatest good for the individual patient in front of them.

Doctors who treat individual patients focus on patient autonomy and informed consent above all other goals. Autonomy and consent define what morality means in medicine. It is immoral to treat patients for any other reason than their own good and with their full consent.

Public health doctors, who “treat” populations, ignore autonomy and consent by design – these ideas mean nothing if a vaccine mandate might help the majority. According to public health, we must always do what benefits the majority, even if it causes some harm to a few. Not taking action is itself immoral, if action might benefit the whole population.

Friction between public and personal health is not new. Evidence and open debate have resolved the tension in the past. Well-known riots about Smallpox vaccination stand out as a rare failure, not the norm we should expect.

Political Unity

The Truckers’ Convoy unified political opposition against the protest. Authoritarians from all political camps wanted action to deal with the protest. Mandates animated the authoritarian Left. “Law and Order” animated the authoritarian Right. Continue reading “Authoritarian Doctors Sparked the Vaccine Mandate Protest, Trudeau Turned It into a Movement”

Should Citizens Resist if Canada Ignores Its Constitution?

Ambassador Bridge blockade
Ambassador Bridge blockade

The Truckers’ Freedom Convoy 2022 has forced a clash of law and morality.

At the start of the pandemic, it seemed reasonable to suspend citizens’ constitutional rights of movement and association. We were willing to try anything.

After two years, it is now the norm to override The Constitution. The slightest possible benefit to health legitimizes the most illogical mandates.

For example, Ontario announced this week that students can play basketball, without masks, but they must wear masks on the bench. Panting, yelling, and close contact on the court is okay. But resting on the sidelines requires a mask.

Constitutional Conundrum

When, where, and how to suspend citizens’ constitutional rights remains an open question. If the courts and parliament get around to debate, pandemic mandates might even turn out to be constitutional in retrospect.

Will The Constitution require amendment? Maybe it is not clear enough where final authority lays.

If The Constitution is not clear, maybe we need a new, separate process — something to guide politicians, when they take the law into their own hands for public safety.

Laws aside, politicians still have to convince voters. Does current research support current mandates?

Researchers have debated the value of non-pharmacologic pandemic interventions (masks, mandates, stay-at-home orders, etc.) for over a year now.  One thing is clear, we have much less control than we think. The new Johns Hopkins’ study settles one point: lockdowns reduced Covid deaths by only 0.2 per cent.

Is It Nonsense?

Most people do not debate The Constitution or current research. They just need to know if something makes sense.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau softened his tone and showed more compassion this week. But he did not soften his message. He said, “Mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions…” (see video below).

Trudeau is triple-vaccinated. He tested positive for covid last week. Canada is one of the most vaccinated populations in the world. Almost 100% of the most vulnerable citizens are vaccinated.

Citizens can see through this.

Unanswered Questions

Is it right to continue suspension of The Constitution in light of current evidence?

Are the mandates good laws? Is it immoral to oppose them?

Should political leaders denounce protesters?

Should police arrest protesters or just steal their gas and firewood?

Do bridge blockades change our opinion of the protest?

State of Emergency or Incompetence

Premier Ford declared a State of Emergency this week. He implied he had no other choice.

The Toronto protest came one evening and was gone before morning. Leaders met with protest organizers before it arrived in the city. Negotiation worked.

Most Canadians support the right to protest, and a large portion supports the Freedom Convoy. At least they did last weekend.

On one hand, a blockade is a blockade, and it is unlawful. By this measure, blocking railways, pipelines, a community in Caledonia for 16 years, or the Ambassador Bridge is unlawful.

But law is not so simple. Intent matters.

People are breaking the law because they want the government to leave them alone. That is wrong. But is it immoral?

The Constitution of Canada

When truckers blockaded the Ambassador Bridge, I doubted my support for the protest.  I support law and order. It rests on The Constitution and the Rule of Law. Government must uphold both.

For those who lost jobs due to unconstitutional mandates, citizens have a duty to fight back. They should use all peaceful means at their disposal.

What more should citizens do when governments ignore the supreme law of the land?

Politicians could have ended this weeks ago. As we discussed last week, there is Only One Rational Response to the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy 2022. Let’s hope it is over soon.

Photo credit: Detroit Free Press

“Mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions…”




The Only Rational Response to Truckers’ Freedom Convoy 2022

Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022
Truckers’ Freedom Convoy 2022

Anyone who serves the public learns how to manage upset customers.

When someone says you hurt them, do not argue. Listen. Apologize. When people are angry, upset, or heart-broken, you must stay silent. Offer support.

There is no other rational response.

Of course, listening has limits. Threats, yelling, or swearing must end the conversation, with help from security if necessary.

Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022

Doctors and nurses deal with upset people every day.

We allow room to express and grieve, even if we do not like or value the content. We embrace expression and limit inappropriate behaviour.

Politicians and journalists should do the same with the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy.

There is only one rational response: help the people speak.

Facilitate peaceful protest.

Hear them out.

Be ready to limit bad behaviour — with force if necessary.

Win or Lose — You Choose Your Own Fate

The only way to win the moral high ground in the face of protest or complaint is to help the aggrieved party.

If the aggrieved party refuses help, you win.

If they refuse to talk or negotiate, you win.

If they become violent or irrational, you win.

If you attack the aggrieved party, you lose. You become a combatant, not a leader.

If you slander the aggrieved party, you lose.

If you try to twist their message, you lose.

If you argue, you lose.

If you refuse to meet and speak with them, you lose.

Let them speak. Even better, help them speak! Amplify their message.

If they speak nonsense, it makes your position stronger with the larger audience.

If protesters speak truth, you win support having helped expose the truth and changed your own mind in the process.

You win either way.

The strength of your argument or the righteousness of your position does not matter as much as your response.

If you attack, slander, dismiss, or silence your enemy:

You. Will. Lose.

Force will be your only option remaining, and that is all people will remember. No one remembers the justice of your cause.

Can Anyone LEad us?

Many Canadian elites have shown an unexpected level of incompetence, in response to protest.

The Prime Minister chose to attack the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy 2022. Listening was beneath him. He slandered instead of showing compassion. He refused to meet. Trudeau only listens to those he likes.

Jagmeet Singh, leader of the NDP, did the same.  Many individual MPs hurled insults. The media made us dizzy with spin.

This response eliminates any winning option.

It does not matter if the upset party has no case. You lose the larger crowd if you do not listen.

Even if the larger crowd leans your way, you still risk losing its support — your attack creates martyrs of the minority position.

Of course, listen with limits. Do not tolerate violence or bad behaviour.

But if you refuse to listen and foment frustration instead, the larger crowd watching may turn against you, if they haven’t already.

Losing the Convoy Narrative

The elites may have lost the larger crowd already.

Thousands of regular people have gone to see the Convoy for themselves. They find a happy celebration. They sing and dance and play soccer in the street. They wave flags and exchange high fives. People hand out free hot food on every corner.

Close family and friends return with pictures and videos of a moving, patriotic event. I now have dozens and dozens of first-hand reports from people I trust: this is not a violent protest.

There is only one rational response — only one positive way forward. Let’s hope a leader rises up to guide us there soon.