Compassion Gives You Authority in Healthcare

“You get your authority by how much you care.”  I heard professor Aidan Halligan gave a keynote address last week.  This video captures much of it.  “All of life is a balance between idealism and self-interest.”  Leadership is going into the unknown with courage and compassion.  Courage and compassion gives you leadership.

This 23 minute speech to British medical students applies to all of us.  We all lead.  I hope you have time to watch and comment below.


2 thoughts on “Compassion Gives You Authority in Healthcare”

  1. Thank you Dr. Shawn Whatley…….CARE & COMPASSION!
    What a privilege to care so deeply for our Clients! So great how Professor Aidan Halligan emphasizes to lead “by example, not rank”…….and his lovely advise to listen to the Nurses:-))……yes, as a Nurse, I have learned with my mind and my heart! And yes, to really listen & respect our “Elders” on our TEAMS, including our Patients first & foremost!
    Also, I am moved by his support of our Health Care TEAM… reach out, offer a cup of tea……yes, our Colleagues are often sleep-deprived, burnt out……how important to recognize this unhealthy symptom that will impact our Clients…….to raise awareness. During my Nursing Management years, I too offered a “time out” for my hard-working TEAM members who were too burnt out to be at work to help others. We dialogued in a quiet corner with a refreshing beverage. Often this evolved into a much needed “time off ” with Employee & Family Assistance Programs……raising their own awareness to take better CARE of themselves first, before caring for others.
    Genuine CARE sure takes COURAGE……THANK YOU!
    How can I possibly close without recognizing your Mom who introduced me to your compassionate & courageous work! I have been honoured to work & collaborate with Arlene in my Nursing career time & time again!
    Warmest Regards,
    Marja Pehkonen

    1. Thank you so much, Marja, for taking the time to read and comment!

      You said it best: “Genuine CARE sure takes COURAGE…”

      We all worry about sickness. Our worry makes us fearful of discussing our healthcare system. We think it’s better to just be happy with what we’ve got. I think we need courage to put our patients’ concerns first, right now, and discuss our over-stretched system. Those of us inside need to speak about how it could be better for patients.

      Thanks for your kind words about Mom! She’s an inspiration for me, for sure.

      Again, thank you for commenting!



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