Doctor’s Day

Doctors dayOn May 1st we celebrate doctors.  “Your life is our life’s work” sums up the drive that keeps physicians working (Ontario Medical Association 30 second video below).

In the clinic this morning, I talked with staff about how a positive test does not mean a patient has something wrong.  We discussed screening tests, pre-test probability, positive and negative predictive value, confirmation tests, and clinical judgement.

Physicians forget that what seems second nature actually took decades to develop.  Your skills as a physician actually have enormous value even when your application of them seems effortless.

I hope physicians take a minute today to realize the value they add to patients’ lives.  I hope they celebrate the privilege of spending their lives helping other people.  Even though some will always criticize, most Canadians appreciate their physicians.

Doctor’s day reminds physicians of the trust patients place in them.  It rekindles passion to care.  Thanks Doc!