Inexperienced Experts

inexperienced expertsAfter 30 years working in longterm care homes, an exasperated nurse fumed about nursing directors who’ve never nursed a day in their lives. She endured criticism for not following guidelines that were written by experts who had never provided care, inexperienced experts.

The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding.  Albert Camus

Years ago, costly education meant fewer people had credentials.  Workers earned their merit through experience and skill, not credentialism.  Clinical training still requires years outside the classroom, at the bedside.

Mastery requires experience.  We listen to horticulturalists with dirt under their nails. Great leaders know the job and get their hands dirty (and Forbes).

Inexperienced experts everywhere

  • Education curriculum created by non-educators
  • Best practices for child raising by people without children (not even adopted or foster care)
  • Medical process dictated by bureaucrats
  • Quality care defined by non-providers
  • Efficiency described by experts without experience in industry
  • Fiscal policy written by people who only know crown corporations

Do you need to have a PhD in every -ology to be the Dean?  Of course not.  But, inexperienced experts should only lead if outcomes are obvious and failure is a real option.

Inexperienced experts undermine trust in all leadership.

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